Espadana24 investment group


Risk Disclosure Statement

Risk Disclosure Statement

Welcome to Espadana24. Before you begin using our investment services, it’s essential to understand the risks associated with investing. This Risk Disclosure Statement outlines the potential risks and uncertainties you may encounter when investing with us. By using our services, you acknowledge and accept these risks.

Risk Disclosure Statement

Investing in financial markets carries inherent risks. It’s important to be aware of the following potential risks:

Market Risk

Market conditions can be highly volatile and unpredictable. The value of investments can fluctuate significantly, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors may experience losses, and there is no guarantee of profit.

Economic Risk

Economic events and changes in economic conditions can impact the performance of investments. These events may include changes in interest rates, inflation, or economic downturns.

Liquidity Risk

Some investments may not be easily converted to cash, which can affect your ability to access your funds when needed.

Credit Risk

Investments may be subject to credit risk, where the issuer of a security may be unable to fulfill their financial obligations. This risk is more pronounced in bonds and debt instruments.

Currency Risk

If you invest in assets denominated in foreign currencies, you are exposed to currency risk. Exchange rate fluctuations can affect the value of your investments.

Political and Regulatory Risk

Changes in government policies, regulations, or political instability can impact investment markets.


Investors should be cautious about over-concentrating their investments in a single asset or asset class. Diversification can help spread risk.

Inflation Risk

Inflation can erode the real value of your investments over time, especially if the returns on your investments do not outpace inflation.


Tax laws and regulations can change and affect the after-tax returns on your investments.

Risk Tolerance

It’s important to assess your own risk tolerance and financial situation before investing. Consider your investment goals, time horizon, and ability to withstand potential losses. Diversifying your investments and consulting with a financial advisor can help you manage risk effectively.

No Guarantees

Investing involves inherent uncertainties, and there are no guarantees of profit or protection against losses. It’s essential to invest with a clear understanding of the associated risks.


At Espadana24, we value transparency and believe in providing you with the information you need to make informed investment decisions. This Risk Disclosure Statement highlights the potential risks of investing. We encourage you to carefully consider these risks and consult with a financial advisor if needed. By using our services, you acknowledge and accept the risks outlined in this statement.